National Guild for Community Arts EducationLeveraging digital to drive transformational change

Overhauling a member-focused platform to amplify community arts education
Through the smart application of digital technologies and online services, the National Guild’s new digital platform delivers on these objectives. The new design reflects the Guild’s vibrancy, demonstrating their dedication to community arts education and its critical role in human development and healthy communities.
The National Guild partnered with Reason One to achieve four objectives: connect community arts educators with one another, empower its staff to better serve the Guild’s membership, advance the field of practice, and enrich communities by driving participation in community arts education programs.
Behind the scenes, the new site seamlessly integrates with the organization’s new Salesforce-based CRM/ERP. This integration allows Guild staff to deliver information and services to members through a member portal. The portal is also a place where members can access a variety of self-service tools and resources, manage their organizational accounts, and transact through e-commerce enabled membership renewal and event registration.
26%increase in overall user engagement