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Project Framing 101: Clear Steps to Project Success

Summary: Internal misalignment, competing priorities, and knowledge gaps are common issues that skew web projects. Project framing—a research and definition methodology—breaks down silos, improves communication, and fosters alignment.

Starting a new web project brings excitement—a vision of improvement, better KPIs, and a more powerful web presence. This “optimism bias” is thrilling, like new love, but can cloud judgment. Often, early excitement fades when reality sets in: misalignment, conflicting priorities, and knowledge gaps. We may have a general goal, but sometimes, it feels like shaking a Magic 8-Ball—“Reply hazy, try again.”

These challenges make it tough to gain budget approval, as misaligned or undefined goals rarely get funded. Achieving clarity on what we’re building and why is critical to success. Project framing is the key to resolving these issues, aligning teams and defining clear objectives right from the start.

What is Project Framing?

Project framing is a collaborative process to reduce uncertainty, clarify the core goal, and precisely define the project. Engaging all stakeholders early, actively listening, and including subject matter experts helps answer the central question: What problem are we solving?

Project framing follows a structured methodology:

  1. Due Diligence: We conduct thorough research—through surveys, interviews, and data collection—to understand the elements at play. This step identifies misalignment and fills knowledge gaps.

  2. Framing Workshop: Here’s where it all comes together. Using our research, we host a one-day workshop, utilizing interactive tools like Miro, that invites all stakeholders to break down silos and discuss the project’s goals. This session establishes consensus, and by the end, we leave with a project brief summarizing shared goals, scope, and required expertise.

  3. Scope Definition and Initial Estimate: Based on the workshop outcomes, we outline the project’s scope, including budget ranges. This helps secure buy-in and aligns the team with strategic goals.

The result is a Project Framing Document that clarifies the project’s goals, scope, and investment—a resource that simplifies leadership approval and sets a clear direction at kickoff.

Real-World Applications of Project Framing

1. Framing an Enterprise Replatforming Project

A client issued an RFP for replatforming and received conflicting responses in scope and budget. Misalignment and a lack of clear objectives led to confusion. Through project framing, we clarified the project goals—not just as a new platform, but as an intuitive tool that empowered editors and developers. This alignment enabled us to define success clearly and shape the project according to the client’s true needs.

2. High-Level Framing in Healthcare

A healthcare client needed clarity on a high-stakes project. In addition to typical silos and competing priorities, there was another issue—they “didn’t know what they didn’t know.” By asking targeted questions about pain points, definitions of success, and obstacles, we uncovered a broader, underlying need. Project framing revealed that the initial scope was only part of a larger strategy, allowing the client to focus on what they truly needed.

Why Project Framing Matters for Project Success

Whether launching a small project or a transformative digital initiative, project framing brings clarity to scope and budget. Think of it as the difference between saying, “I need a place to live,” and “I need a 4BR/3BA home with specific features.” Project framing not only defines the solution but also identifies the resources needed to launch and maintain it—details often missed in traditional RFP processes.

For businesses planning a digital roadmap, project framing is invaluable. It creates a clearer picture for complex, cross-functional projects and enables thorough, upfront planning that drives innovation and long-term success.

Have a Project in Mind?

Whether it’s a fresh idea or a longstanding goal, project framing can speed up alignment and funding approval. Let’s chat about how we can help your team achieve clarity and secure resources faster.

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